A brief explanation of each of the available order filters, listed in the order in which they appear. Click here for help with using the order filters.

Allows you to search by name.

Shipping Location (Excludes Local Pickup)

Allows you to narrow down the orders by shipping destination.

CITY: Include/Exclude cities by entering the city name

STATE/PROVINCE: Include/Exclude states by entering the state name

POSTAL CODE: Include/Exclude postal codes by entering the postal code

COUNTRY: Include/Exclude countries by selecting the country from the alphabetized list.

PHONE NUMBER: Include/Exclude orders associated with a specific phone number by entering the phone number.

Local Pickup

Allows you to sort by orders who elected to use local pickup.

LOCATION ADDRESS: Include/Exclude orders that elected the local pickup option by selecting the pickup address from the drop-down menu.


Allows you to filter orders by customer data.

CUSTOMER ID: Include/Exclude orders associated with the assigned unique customer id. Use "View All Orders" to find the backer's unique customer id.

CUSTOMER NAME: Include/Exclude orders associated with a specific name. The name must be entered exactly as it appears on the backer's order.

CUSTOMER EMAIL: Include/Exclude orders associated with a specific email address.


Allows you to filter orders by order data.

ID: Include/Exclude orders associated with a specific Crowd Ox Id. Enter the numeric Crowd Ox Id to filter.

EXTERNAL ID: Include/Exclude orders associated with a specific external id. Commonly known as the Kickstarter Id/Indiegogo Id.

EXTERNAL SEQUENCE: Include/Exclude orders associated with a specific external sequence id. Commonly known as the Kickstarter Id/Indiegogo Id sequence id or the order number in which they pledged.

SOURCE: Include/Exclude orders based on their source, Kickstarter/Indiegogo/CrowdOx.

STEP: Include/Exclude orders based on their level of survey completion.

New - Newly added, not yet invited
Invited - Survey invite email has been sent
In Progress - Backer has started but did not complete the survey
Completed - Backer completed the survey
Canceled - The order was canceled

STATUS: Include/Exclude orders based on the following filter options.

Imported Payment Status - Kickstarter/Indiegogo payment status
Unconfirmed - payment has not been finalized externally. Confirmation is pending.
Dropped - the initial pledge payment failed and the backer did not replace the payment.
All Payment Status
Refunded - the backer's pledge payment was refunded.
Confirmed - the backer's pledge payment was successful.
Configuration Status
Upgraded - the backer upgraded their reward level during the survey.
Email: Sent - the associated email address successfully received emails related to the survey
Email: Undeliverable - the associated email address cannot be located to send survey related emails.
Email: Hard Bounce - the associated email address is internally marking our emails as spam.
Email: Spam - the associated email address has marked our emails as spam.
Exported - orders included in a previous export
Not Exported - orders that have not been previously exported
Shipped - orders marked as shipped
Not Shipped - orders not marked as shipped
External - Kickstarter/Indiegogo payment
Failed Payment - orders with failed external (Kickstarter/Indiegogo) payments
Successful Payment - orders with successful external (Kickstarter/Indiegogo) payments
Disputed - the backer disputed the payment with their financial institution.
Dispute: Pending - the backer initiated dispute is currently pending.
Dispute: Won - the dispute result indicated the payment was authorized by the correct party.
Dispute: Lost - the dispute result indicated the payment was falsely approved and since refunded.
Locked - orders have been locked by manual, shipping or export.
Not Locked - orders that have not been locked.
Partially Locked - orders containing a locked product(s).
Not Partially Locked - orders with no locked products.
Zero Balance - order has no balance due.
Balance: Owes - order has a balance due.
Balance: Excess Funds - order has remaining funds that exceed the total cost of reward level and products in their order.

ADDRESS AND SHIPPING: Include/Exclude orders by address and phone number.

Completed Shipping Address - backer confirmed the shipping address.
Incomplete Shipping Address - backer has not confirmed the shipping address.
Shipping Address with Phone Number - backer provided a phone number to be used during shipment.
Shipping Address with no Phone Number - backer did not provide a phone number to be used during shipment.
Order with Local Pickup - no shipping needed, the backer selected local pickup.

CONFIGURATION: Include/Exclude orders based on the assigned reward level. Select the reward level(s) using the drop-down menu.

ORIGINAL CONFIGURATION: Include/Exclude orders based on the assigned reward level. Select the reward level(s) using the drop-down menu.

SEGMENT: Include/Exclude orders saved as a segment. Enter the segment number.

FULFILLMENT GROUP: Include/Exclude orders associated with a specific fulfillment group. Enter the group name to filter.


Allows you to filter orders by product selections.

PRODUCT: Includes Any/ Includes All/ Excludes Any orders based on a specific product. Select the product(s) using the drop-down menu.

PRODUCT BUNDLE: Include Any/Exclude Any/ Include All/ None/Any orders based on a specific product bundle. Select the product bundle(s) using the drop-down menu.

PRODUCT VARIATION: Include/Exclude orders based on a specific product variation. First, apply the "Product" filter to identify the product. Then, select the product variation from the drop-down menu.

PRODUCT TYPE: Include/Exclude orders based on order type. Select physical or digital type from the drop-down menu.

PRODUCT SKU: Include/Exclude orders by product SKU. Enter the SKU.

PRODUCT COUNT: Identify orders by the total number of products. Select greater than/equal to/less than.

LINE TYPE: Include/Exclude orders containing products added within certain levels.

Rewards - Include/Exclude orders containing products at the reward level.
Extras - Include/Exclude orders containing products at the extras level.
External - Include/Exclude orders containing products externally added.
Manually Added - Include/Exclude orders containing products manually added.

FULFILLMENT: Filter orders by Fulfilled (marked as shipped) or Not Fulfilled (not marked as shipped).


Allows you to filter orders by transactional details.

CURRENT BALANCE: Filter orders with a balance due greater than/equal to/less than the entered amount.

TOTAL PAID: Filter orders with total payments greater than/equal to/less than the entered amount.

TOTAL COST: Filter orders with a total cost greater than/equal to/less than the entered amount.

CALCULATED SHIPPING: Filter orders with a total shipping cost greater than/equal to/less than the entered amount.

REFUNDS: Filter orders with refunds greater than/equal to/less than the entered amount.